How Can I Tell If My Mac Has Been Hacked

The question most iPhone users fear to ask is – can my phone get hacked? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Even though Apple is very determined when it comes to designing reliable cybersecurity measures, no modern-day device is unhackable. The good news is that iPhone hacking isn’t easy at all and that it can be prevented by practicing basic smartphone safety.

Jun 28, 2019  If you’re wondering whether your computer has been hacked, we have some bad news and some good news. First the bad news: if you suspect you’re infected, then you’re probably right (check with this free vulnerability scanning tool).The amount of new malware on the internet – particularly the kind intended to infect home computers and small businesses – is growing rapidly. Unwanted and unexpected software installs are a big sign that your computer has been hacked. In the early days of malware, most programs were computer viruses, which work by modifying other.

Here’s how to tell if your iPhone is hacked, plus what to do to avoid it.

Are You The Only One Using Your iPhone? Check these tests to check whether your iPhone is Hacked

If your iPhone has been hacked, you should be able to notice several telltale signs. You can conduct the following “tests” anytime, so make them a part of your regular smartphone safety routine. But first, let’s determine whether or not you are alone on your phone.

#1: Check Your Battery Usage

Presuming somebody has hacked your iPhone and is now listening to your calls and monitoring your mobile activity, this would amount to additional battery usage. If your battery is hot even when you’re not using your phone, this may be a good indicator of hacking.

The same can be said if your battery’s life has all of a sudden dropped significantly.

#2: Try Turning It Off and On

Try turning your iPhone off and on again. If the device refuses to shut down or if the screen light stays turned on after everything else is turned off, this too counts as suspicious smartphone behavior.

#3: Pay Attention to Activity

Other off-the-chart iPhone activities include:

  • Suddenly lighting up while in lockdown,
  • Shutting down without you telling it to, and
  • Turning on and installing apps all by itself.

Any of these could be signalizing that somebody is trying to operate your phone remotely. And while random screen lights and power downs/ups could be due to a software glitch, third-party apps that you’ve never seen before are usually a reliable indicator.

#4: Any Background Noise?

Can you hear any background noise – pulsating static, clicking, or echoes – while talking to somebody over your phone? This could be another sign that your iPhone has been tapped, but it could also be due to some kind of natural network interference.

#5 Can You Notice Distortion?

Signs of distortion on other devices that are in proximity to your iPhone are usually normal, but not if they are happening while you’re not on a call or, even worse, while your phone is turned off. This also means that your phone has been hacked.

How to Thwart Hackers’ Malicious Intentions

Keeping your iPhone safe is relatively easy. Smart safety and cybersecurity practices don’t require a lot of time and money, only awareness. In other words, you should make it a habit to check your iPhone for signs of hacking at least once a month and establish good practices in the meantime.

Your smartphone security routine should include:

#1 Keep Your Phone Up to Date

When it comes to cybersecurity, iPhone users can rely on Apple to keep their devices protected from malicious attacks. But not even Apple can do it alone. It’s up to you as a user to run every software update that Apple releases in due time. That way, your phone will always be one step ahead of criminals.

#2: Don’t Jailbreak Your Phone

In this context, jailbreaking refers to allowing third-party users to install apps on your phone. Though there are third-party apps that are perfectly safe to use, the thing that makes them so dangerous is that they are not approved by Apple. Unfortunately, these apps never come without any safety risks.

#3: Use a Complex Password

Every digital password – be it for a device or an online account – must be random, complex, and at least ten characters long. Every password must also be unique, which means no reused credentials for different devices and online accounts. Anything less than this can make your smartphone vulnerable.

How Can I Check If My Mac Has Been Hacked

#4: Use a VPN for iPhone


How Can I Tell If My Mac Has Been Hacked Account

How Can I Tell If My Mac Has Been Hacked

Your iPhone harvests a massive amount of data. In addition to everything you have stored on your phone, there’s also your entire online history, credit card credentials, and passwords for online accounts. This can be easily stolen once your device is hacked. That’s why you should use a VPN for iPhone to hide your internet data.

How Can I Tell If My Mac Has Been Hacked Iphone

#5: Keep Your Mic Disabled

How Can I Tell If My Mac Has Been Hacked

Finally, you should keep your smartphone microphone disabled whenever you’re not using it. This applies to all the apps that may require this feature, namely Facebook and your voice-enabled digital assistant, Siri. Tapping a mic is surprisingly easy.

How Can I Tell If My Mac Has Been Hacked Video


How Can I Tell If My Mac Has Been Hacked Password

Your iPhone can be hacked, which is a terrifying thought. The good news is that there is a lot you can do to prevent and notice any criminal activity on your device. The only thing you need to do is stay aware of your digital surroundings, pay attention to signs, and rely on basic safety measures to keep you protected.