Hacking Tools Mac Os X

HackPorts was developed as a penetration testing framework with accompanying tools and exploits that run natively on Mac platforms. HackPorts is a ‘super-project’ that leverages existing code porting efforts, security professionals can now use hundreds of penetration tools on Mac systems without the need for Virtual Machines. How to Use The Mac OS X Hackers Toolbox When you think of an operating system to run pen testing tools on, you probably think of Linux and more specifically BackTrack Linux. BackTrack Linux is a great option and one of the most common platforms for running pen testing tools. If you are a Mac.

Content Written By Henry Dalziel, 2020

Web Vulnerability Scanners For Use In 2020

Web Applications are hugely attractive to hackers and for a million different reasons not least because when they are mismanaged and unpatched then they suddenly become very easy to attack. What we’ve done in this resource is to list a bunch of Web Application Hacking Software that would be able to penetrate and pwn a Website (for example).

In order of priority, we note that these are the most popular Content Management Systems being used today.

  • WordPress 28.6%
  • Joomla 3.3%
  • Drupal 2.3%
  • Magneto 1.1%
  • Blogger 1.0%
  • Shopify 0.8%

So, clearly, with WordPress being the Internet’s #1 most popular CMS there is little doubt nor lack of evidence which shows just how many hackers go after WordPress.

WordPress hacking software is therefore plentiful and in this resource, we try to outline a bunch of tools and software that will help identify how secure your CMS really is.

Acunetix WVS

Acunetix is a web vulnerability scanner that automatically checks web applications. This tool is particularly good at scanning for vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting, SQL injections, weak password strength on authentication pages and arbitrary file creation. It has a great GUI that has the ability to create compliance reports, security audits, and tools for advanced manual web app testing.

Is Acunetix WVS Free?

It is a commercial program but it’s fast and cheap.

Does Acunetix WVS Work on all Operating Systems?

It currently works on Windows operating systems.

What are the Typical Uses for Acunetix WVS?

Acunetix WVS is used to discover if your website is secure by crawling and analyzing your web applications to find if there are SQL injections. By doing this, its detailed report can identify where web applications need to be fixed.


AppScan gives security testing throughout the application development lifecycle.

This tool can also assist with security assurance early in the development phase and easing unit testing. This tool can scan for many common vulnerabilities such as HTTP response splitting, cross-site scripting, hidden field manipulation, parameter tampering, buffer overflows, backdoors/debug options and many more.

Is AppScan Free?

The commercial version of this tool is available. Free trial versions might also be offered.

Does AppScan Work on all Operating Systems?

It only works on Microsoft Windows operating systems.

What are the Typical Uses for AppScan?

AppScan is used to the enhanced mobile application and web application security. It is also used to strengthen regulatory compliance and improve application security program management. This tool will also help users in identifying security vulnerabilities, generate reports and fix recommendations.

Burp Suite

Burp Site is a platform that contains different kinds of tools with many interfaces between them that are designed to facilitate and speed up processes of attacking applications.

All these tools share the same framework for displaying and handling HTTP messages, authentication, persistence, logging, alerting, proxies and extensibility.

Is Burp Suite Free?

A paid version is available. Free/trial versions may also be available.

Does Burp Suite Work on all Operating Systems?

Burp Suite Works on Linux, MAC OS X, and Windows operating systems.

What are the Typical Uses for Burp Suite?

This tool is used primarily to attack pentest web applications. It can also be used to read web traffics. Not only this app is useful and reliable. It also offers a lot of features.


An open-source web server scanner, Nikto performs tests for over 6700 potentially dangerous files and programs on web servers.

It is also designed to check for over 1250 outdated server versions and specific version problems on over 2700 servers. Aside from that, it also checks server configuration items like the presence of multiple index files, HTTP server options and it will try to identify installed software and web servers. Plugins and scan items are frequently and can be automatically updated.

Although it is not designed to be a stealthy tool, it can test web servers in the fastest time possible. Nonetheless, there is also support for LibWhisker’s anti-IDS methods in case you want to try it by testing your IDS system for example.

Not all checks are security problems but security engineers and webmasters sometimes are not aware of the “info only” type of checks are present on their server. By using Nikto , these “info type” checks are marked in the information printed appropriately. Some check is also being scanned for unknown items in log files.

Is Nikto Website Vulnerability Scanner Free?

Yes, this tool is free to use and in fact, a lot of pentesters like this tool a lot.

Does Nikto Website Vulnerability Scanner Work on all Operating Systems?

Since Nikto is a perl based security testing tool, it will run on most systems with Perl interpreter installed.

What are the Typical Uses for Nikto Website Vulnerability Scanner?

Even if this scanner is free, it still has a lot of uses. Some of the uses include SSL Support, full HTTP proxy support, checking of outdated server components, save reports in various formats like XML, HTML, CSV or NBE, easily customize reports by using Template Engine, multiple ports scanning on a server or multiple servers via input file, identifies the software installed via header, files and favicons, host authentication with NTLM and Basic, checking of common “parking” sites, auto-pause at a specific time and a lot more….



We’ve covered this tool throughout our site on several occasions.

Rather than duplicate the content we recommend that you hit this link for detailed information and more resources on this tool.

OWASP Zed Attack Proxy

The OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is one of the world’s most popular free security tools for scanning web applications.

This hacking tool is actively maintained by hundreds of international volunteers. It can help you automatically find security vulnerabilities in your web applications while you are developing and testing your applications. It’s also a great tool for experienced pentesters to use for manual security testing.


Browser Exploitation Framework (Beef) is another great professional security tool. This tool will give the experienced penetration tester pioneering techniques.

Unlike other tools, Beef focuses on leveraging browser vulnerabilities to check the security posture of a target. This tool is created solely for penetration testing and lawful research.

Is Beef Free?

Beef is free to use.

Does Beef Work on all Operating Systems?

Beef is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X operating systems.

What are the Typical Uses for Beef?

This tool that can demonstrate the collecting of browser vulnerabilities or zombie browsers in real-time. It gives a control and command interface which facilitates the targeting of groups or individuals of zombie browsers. It is built to make the creation of new exploit modules easy.

Core Impact

Core Impact is considered to be the greatest exploitation tool available.

It has a huge and regularly updated database of exploits and can do neat tricks like exploiting one computer system than building an encrypted tunnel through that system to reach and exploit other machines.

Is Core Impact Free?

No, and this tool is expensive (about $30,000).

Does Core Impact Work on all Operating Systems?

Core Impact is natively working on Microsoft Windows.

What are the Typical Uses for Core Impact?

With this tool, users can: Leverage true multi-vector testing capabilities across network, web, mobile, and wireless. Run and check for a high level of unique CVEs (in some cases more than other multi-purpose tools) and validate patching efforts to ensure vulnerabilities were remediated correctly.


Dradis Framework is an open-source tool that enables users to have effective information and data sharing especially during security assessments. Features include an easy report generation, attachment support, integration with existing systems and tools through server plugins and platform-independent.

Is Dradis Free?

Dradis is free.

Does Dradis Work on all Operating Systems?

Dradis is compatible with Linux, MAC OS X, and Windows operating systems.

What are the Typical Uses for Dradis?

Dradis is used to enable effecting the sharing of information or data among participants in a penetration test. Dradis is also a self-contained web tool that gives a centralized repository of data to keep track of what has been done and what is still ahead.

Live Hacking Os


Metasploit is a very popular hacking framework with hundreds (if not thousands) of scripts that you can use to find and progress with your hack. We’ve already covered this tool on our site and we’d encourage you to visit this link here for more details.

Social Engineer Toolkit

Written by the founder of TrustedSec, Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) is an open-source Python-based tool aimed at penetration testing around Social Engineering.

SET has been discussed and presented at conferences including DerbyCOn, Defcon, ShmooCon, and Blackhat. This tool has over two million downloads, this engineering toolkit is the standard for penetration tests and is support by the security community. SET has also been featured in a number of books such as “Metasploit: The Penetration’s Tester’s Guide” that is also written by TrustedSec’s founder as well as Devon Kearns, Jim O’Gorman, and Mati Aharoni.

Is the Social-Engineer Toolkit Free?

Yes, all official versions are free of use.

Does Social-Engineer Toolkit Work on all Operating Systems?

SET works on Linux, MAC OS X, and Microsoft operating systems.

What are the Typical Uses for Social-Engineering Toolkit?

The main purpose of the set is to improve and automate a lot of the social engineering attacks out there. This tool can automatically generate exploit hiding email messages or web pages.


sqlmap is an open-source tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers. It includes a powerful detection engine, a lot of niche features for the ultimate penetration tester and a broad range of switches lasting from database fingerprinting, over data fetching from the database to accessing the underlying file system and executing commands on the operating system via out-of-band connections.

Is Sqlmap free?

Yes, sqlmap is free to use and works out of the box with Python version 2.6.x and 2.7.x on any platform

1. Fully support MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, IBM DB2, SQLite, Firebird, Sybase, SAP MaxDB, HSQLDB and Informix database management systems.

2. Fully support for 6 SQL injection techniques which are boolean-based blind, time-based blind, error-based, UNION query-based, stacked queries and out-of-band.

3. It contains support to directly connect to the database without passing via a SQL injection, by providing DBMS credentials, IP address, port, and database name.

4. Contains support to enumerate users, password hashes, privileges, roles, databases, tables, and columns.

5. Contains an automatic recognition of password hash formats and support for cracking them using a dictionary-based attack.

Windows 10 hacking os

6. Contains support to dump database tables entirely, a range of entries or specific columns as per user’s choice. The user can also choose to dump only a range of characters from each column’s entry.

7. Contains support to search for specific database names, specific tables across all databases or specific columns across all databases’ tables. This is useful, for instance, to identify tables containing custom application credentials where relevant columns’ names contain string like name and pass.

8. Contains support to download and upload any file from the database server underlying file system when the database software is MySQL, PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL Server.

9. Contains support to execute arbitrary commands and retrieve their standard output on the database server underlying operating system when the database software is MySQL, PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL Server.

10. Contains support to create an out-of-band stateful TCP connection between the attacker machine and the database server underlying operating system. This channel can be an interactive command prompt, a Meterpreter session or a graphical user interface (VNC) session as per user’s choice.

11. Contains support for database process’ user privilege escalation via Metasploit’s Meterpreter getsystem command.

Some options for python sqlmap.py

Helpful Stuff

-h, –help Show basic help message and exit
-hh Show advanced help message and exit
–version Show program’s version number and exit
-v VERBOSE Verbosity level: 0-6 (default 1)
Target: At least one of these options has to be provided to define the target(s)
-d DIRECT Connection string for direct database connection
-u URL, –url=URL Target URL (e.g. “http://www.site.com/vuln.php?id=1”)
-l LOGFILE Parse target(s) from Burp or WebScarab proxy log file
-x SITEMAPURL Parse target(s) from remote sitemap(.xml) file
-m BULKFILE Scan multiple targets given in a textual file
-r REQUESTFILE Load HTTP request from a file
-g GOOGLEDORK Process Google dork results as target URLs
-c CONFIGFILE Load options from a configuration INI file

What are the Typical Uses for sqlmap?

Sqlmap is written in python and is considered as one of the most powerful and popular sql injection automation tool out there. Given a vulnerable http request url, sqlmap can exploit the remote database and do a lot of hacking like extracting database names, tables, columns, all the data in the tables etc. This hacking tool can even read and write files on the remote file system under certain conditions. sqlmap is like Metasploit of sql injections.

How To Install Sqlmap?

This tool works best on Linux, preferably something like Kali Linux, Backbox or any other flavours therein for Pentesting Purposes.

Step 1: sqlmap -u “http://www.yourwebsiteurl.com/section…(without quotation marks)” –dbs

Step 2: sqlmap -u “http://www.yourwebsiteurl.comsection….(without quotation marks)” -D database_name –tables

Step 3: sqlmap -u “http://www.yourwebsiteurl.com/section…(without quotation marks)” -D database_name -T tables_name –columns

Step 4: sqlmap -u “http://www.site.com/section.php?id=51(without quotation marks)” -D database_name -T tables_name -C column_name –dump


SQL Ninja enables users to exploit web applications that use a Microsoft SQL Server as its database backend.

It focuses on getting a running shell on a remote host. This tool automates the exploitation process once an SQL injection has been discovered.

Is SQL Ninja Free?

Yes! all versions of this tool are free of charge.

Does SQL Ninja Work on all Operating Systems?

SQL Ninja works on Linux and Mac OS X operating systems.

What are the Typical Uses for SQL Ninja?

This tool is best used by cyber professionals to assist in automating the process of taking over a database server when a SQL Injection vulnerability has been discovered. If you are interested in this tool then you should go ahead and also take a look at SQL Map.


w3af is one of the most popular, flexible and powerful tools for finding and exploiting web application vulnerabilities.

It is very easy to use and it offers dozens of features of exploitation and web assessment plugins. Others call it a web-focused Metasploit. w3af is divided into 2 main parts which are the core and the plugins. Plugins are categorized into different types and these are discovery, bruteforce, audit, evasion, grep, Attack, output and mangle.

Is w3af Free?

All versions of this tool are free.

Vmware Tools Mac Os

Does w3af Work on all Operating Systems?

It works on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X operating systems.

What are the Typical Uses for w3af?

The use of this goal is to create a framework that will help users secure web applications by discovering and exploiting all web application vulnerabilities.

Download now

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Top 10 Best Hacking Tools Of 2018 For Windows, Linux and Mac OS X has been published after epic three weeks beta testing, which ended with great success. This tool will NOT let you down and work as described in notes.txt file.
For copyright reasons program features won’t be described in this page publicly, to see all instructions and feature list, please download and open .exe file and extract notes.txt file, there is everything that you need for Top 10 Best Hacking Tools Of 2018 For Windows, Linux and Mac OS X use.
All our tools has built in Proxy and VPN support for your anonymity. You can add your own proxy or use our default built in VPN.
Live hacking os Top 10 Best Hacking Tools Of 2018 For Windows, Linux and Mac OS X supports Windows and MAC Os Platforms. And some of the latest mobile platforms.
Top 10 Best Hacking Tools Of 2018 For Windows, Linux and Mac OS X details:
- FREE SUPPORT (contact us in our contact form)
- Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android support
- Proxy and VPN support. - Instructions and full feature list with extras in Notes.txt file

Here is list of top best Ethical hacking tools 2018 for windows pc, Linux system, and MAC OS x. Must have tools for every hacker and these tools used on pc.

Download Hacking Tools from here:

Hacking Tools are developed by some really best coders out there to ease out many complex tasks which have to be done automatically & manually and took painstakingly great deal of time and effort.

Download now

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Top 10 Best Hacking Tools Of 2018 For Windows, Linux and Mac OS X
How to install:
– Download, extract and run .exe file,
(If your antivirus blocking file, pause it or disable it for some time.)
– Choose destination folder

How to Use:
Open destination folder and locate file notes.txt, open it and read step by step.

Don’t forget to read instructions after installation.
Enjoy Top 10 Best Hacking Tools Of 2018 For Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

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